13 Reasons Why

By Jay Asher

The "Why" to Reading 13 Reasons Why

This website tell all about the book 13 Reasons Why One day Clay comes home to find a box on his front porch addressed to him. Insides he finds cassette tapes that were recorded by Hannah Baker, his crush, who took her own life, two week prior. This book tells the compelling story of Hannah Baker's life, but more specifically why she ended it. A disclaimer for anyone who wants toread this book, it's not a happy story. This book is a lesson to everyone, that you never know what someone else is going through.

"Bullying is NEVER ok. This book always reminds me to think twice before I make a decision and never be afraid to stand up. Thank you for making this book. This book is a must read!" -Unknown

"I really liked Thirteen Reasons Why. I think it’s a story that needed to be told. It goes to show that words and/or actions can hurt people. Between the dual narrative of Hannah and Clay, I could really feel their pain. This is definitely a story that will live on for years to come." -Unknown

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